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Social Media Videos (9:16) carrousel - Widget Template

Vertical (9:16) videos are the most common and powerful media content in the planet at the moment. Replicating that experience and quickly showing many of these types of videos (a familiar piece of content) in a carrousel website section of real user experiences with the product/brand and reviews is a common thing now in e-commerce. Here are some examples I found recently: https://spacegoods.com/ https://theretrosnap.com/ Social Media Video Testimonials are very powerful, leveraging social proof having a Senja template, such as carrousel focused on these types of videos is a must! For the Design (Ideas, possibilities): - The video previews would be a short 1sec gif/replay video similar to what happens in tiktok/IG where the videos would always be playing the first second in loop - There could be the option, similar to other templates, that every video shows in the corner the icon on the platform it was posted from. -The template could even have some similar generic social media design, for showing the username and profile picture of the user who gave the review, plus some generic like buttons. This could give an even stronger native/trustworthy as it pulls upon users familiarity from the social media platforms. - if the number of likes/comments would be automatically pulled/populated, that is even better! But it could also just let the senja user populate the number themselves. If any of these design ideas is not possible, such as for eg. the video loop or the numbers of likes showing, it’s not a problem at all! Just having a 9:16 video ratio focused template would already be great! Example (Ignoring the white phone frame, but focusing just on the video part)

Evolt 3 days ago